Fair Trade Gifts That Honor Bees!
When pondering about what bees do for us and our ecosystems, we are invited to notice that we, too, are part of the intricate "Web of Life" and not separate.

As conscious consumers, honoring our connection with all life on Earth may start as simply as falling in love with a handcrafted, bee-inspired gift or two! Tasting honey could open our hearts to being grateful to the richness in our lives. And while these handmade gifts help raise awareness for all pollinators, they double their goodness by supporting decent livelihoods for the artists' communities who created them!
These showcased gifts give you just a taste of ten socially responsible brands to fall in love with! These companies are pro-actively making the world more beautiful by uplifting crafters and farmers around the world as part of the FairTradeFederation.org network.
Fair Trade Pollinator Gifts
#1 Bumble Bee Mobile by Tulia's Artisan Gallery (Tulias.com)
#2 Beaded Bee by Global Mamas (Globalmamas.org)
#3 Bee Organic Cotton Finger Puppet, Bee Gourd Ornament & Bee Gourd Box by Lucuma Designs (Lucuma.com)
#4 Fair Trade, Wild and Organic Honey by African Bronze Honey Company (Africanbronzehoney.com)
#5 Bee Hive Drum Jr by Jamtown (Jamtown.com)
#6 Bee Felt Coinpurse by Dzi (Dzi.com)
#7 Bee Keeper Socks by Maggie's Organics (Maggiesorganics.com )
#8 Bee Wax Sunflower Pillar Candle by Azizi Life Rwanda (Azizilife.com)
#9 Bee Card by Quilling Card (Quillingcard.com)
#10 Bee Confetti Ceramic Ornament by Lucuma Designs (Lucuma.com)
Related Links
- Read our blog Why Bees Matter!
- Explore other Fair Trade Brands