arpillera art quilts

arpillera art quilts

Blooming with beauty and vivid colors, these arpillera art quilts make an heirloom statement piece for any room. All of our museum-quality arpilleras bear the distinctive “thumbprint” of one of the 22 self-taught women artists who poured their heart and soul into the piece. Their personal visions for each scene is captured by hand-stitching recycled pieces of fabric into an astonishing 3D art quilt.


4 products
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Dragonflies over Blue Flowers - Large 3-D Arpillera Art Quilt ARP605L
Playful Butterflies - Large Vertical 22"x36" - 3D Arpillera Art Quilt ARP501G
Playful Butterflies ARP501G Stock: 1
MSRP $1850.0  wholesale
Tree of Life - Large 3-D Arpillera Art Quilt ARP153L
Tree of Life - Large ARP153L Stock: 1
MSRP $2400.0  wholesale
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Andean Life - Medium 3-D Arpillera Art Quilt&nbsp;- 21" X 17"<BR><br><div class="short-description" style="margin: 15px 0px; ARP800M