Bernardino Arce is an Amauta!

"It is always a pleasure to collaborate creatively with master ceramist Bernardino Arce, the maker of our mini bird plant pots and watering bird pals. And we are thrilled that a couple of months ago in 2021, he was awarded the title of “Amauta” or great teacher of Peruvian Folk Art. He received this distinguished title thanks to his innovative and excellent work with clay, as well as for spreading and preserving this traditional art form.” The Lucuma Team

Bernardino Arce Corimaya, Peruvian Ceramist
Master ceramist Bernardino Arce Corimaya was awarded the “Premio Nacional Amautas de la Artesanía Peruana” (National Award As an Amauta of Peruvian Craftsmanship) in recognition for his outstanding career in preserving the craft tradition of Peru, as reported by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
Amauta (a Quechua word meaning "teacher" or "wise man") was a title given to teachers in the Incan empire. Since 2000, this National distinction has been given to just 37 artists from eight regions of Peru who, thanks to their outstanding craftsmanship and teachings, have contributed to the cultural development of Peru and the world.

Those named with such distinction have passed an arduous evaluation process by a jury made up of other Amautas, highly qualified personalities and specialists in the subject.
Congratulations Bernardino for such an accomplishment!

"In a changing and constantly evolving society, standing still means going backwards. If things change and we continue to do the same, most likely we will disappear." Bernardino Arce