The global health crisis and emotional turmoil we are collectively facing is rocking our world. Everything is changing and last week’s priorities seem today irrelevant. With our new realities shifting by the hour, we are grasping to understand what next.
While conscious of the hardship, sadness and pain this Covid-19 virus threat brings us, we must remain positive and calm so we can see beyond its ugliness.
This world pandemic is making it easier to see how interconnected we are. It is inspiring great solidarity around the world as communities come together with compassion and hope. Now each of us has the opportunity to grow from our heart and step up to show our best.
To ride this wave of swift changes and stay healthy, we are called to develop flexibility, resilience and love towards ourselves and all around us. We want to share few tips and sources we feel may be useful.
Tip #1: Social Isolation: to flatten the curve and help contain the virus is the loving thing to do right now!
People in the US, please don’t wait! Stay home to avoid unnecessary contact and keep your distance.
Since this past Monday (3/16/20), Don and I have been in house-quarantine in Lima, Peru with the rest of the country. This was a courageous and prudent move by the Peruvian government, and I can only hope the US authorities will soon follow. Social isolation, self-imposed or enforced is the conscious and loving thing each of us can do right now to help slow down the spread as much as possible. If we don’t, the health system may collapse which is sadly what we see happening in Italy.
Our Lucuma Team in the US is also mostly working from home this week to protect their health and do our part to flatten the curve.

To understand better why this is important, these simulations are eye opening: “Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to flatten the curve”
Tip #2: Boost your Immune System
2.A - With Nutrition
What better time to become more proactive with our own health and take charge. Even if you feel you are already eating healthy, there is always something more to learn and help fine-tune your diet. This may be a good opportunity to introduce more superfoods into your eating routine. Learn about the beneficial properties of common spices such as ginger, garlic, turmeric or green tea to boost your immune system.

For a full range of antioxidants, make sure to include a wide variety of fresh fruits and veggies of multiple colors into your diet! We are so lucky and grateful to enjoy a wide range of fruits here in Peru. As spring is coming, take advantage of the sunshine for a good supply of vitamin D.
2.B - Exercise
Moderate exercise everyday and moving your body anyway you can, dancing, walking... goes a long way to help your immune system! While paying attention to your body and keeping it busy, your mind gets a chance to relax and slow down. Just don't overdo it as strenuous exercise may be counterproductive.
Suggested Articles:
“Can Nutrition Help Prevent Common Cold & Flu Viruses?”
“How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19: Supporting Your Immune System When You May Need It Most”
Tip #3: Relax and Uplift your Spirit!
Laugh: keep it light and laugh at yourself more often… the craze about toilet paper may be a place to start.
Breath: : learn a new breathing technique and discover the power of proper breathing to calm the nerves, center, and much more.
Yoga: : to get in touch with body and inner self. started with an online class or deepen your personal practice.
Meaningful Connections: : make sure to stay connected with family, friends and those you love. You could be miles away from each, other but the magic of a video chat can make you feel really close. Remember, almost everyone on the planet is going through this crisis right now together and a distant relative or far away friend will surely appreciate your thought.
Stay Positive: As bad and as serious as it may look today, rest assured that this situation won't last forever. Experts around the world are working to find cures or treatments.
Practice Gratitude: recognizing and valuing what we have is a sure way to feel happier right now. Consider starting a gratitude diary. If we are able to breath, eat good food and move, we have lots to give thanks for.
Mindfulness: practice the power of living in the NOW. Remember that the past is gone and the future does not yet exist. If you find yourself worrying about tomorrow, notice and get back to your breath!
Meditate: with millions of resources online, try to discover what may work for you.
Chant: your favorite mantras as there is no better time like this to send waves of love to yourself and the World!
Pray: times like force us to become more humble, especially as we realize we are hardly ever in control! We are challenged to have great faith that despite what the news say, things will play out as they need to. Staying positive and imagining the best possible outcome for ourselves, our families, our communities and our world is an important task right now. So let’s ask for Divine help to co-create our future together!
Tip #4: Don’t Panic, Be Cautious and Stay Well Informed
Keep it Clean: follow all the safety hygiene recommendations and teach others: wash your hands for 20 seconds or more, don’t touch your face, disinfect surfaces frequently...
Stay informed and learn all you can about this illness so you can recognize the symptoms if you see them and know what to do.
Finally, stay calm trying not to fall into the collective scare hysteria, or believing the most horrible gloom and doom scenarios.
We are creating together our own future, so let’s imagine it as we truly want it to be!
Let's trust that in a few weeks or months from now, we will find ourselves stronger, wiser and more loving because of this.