Why Organics are Important to Lucuma Designs

As members of the 1% for the Planet, we take treating the planet with respect very seriously, which is why we are so in love with organics. This spring, our teammates shared their feelings about the importance of doing away with unnatural fibers and harmful chemicals leaching across the earth. Check out why organics are outrageously awesome:
“Buying organics is a concrete way of showing my love and being gentle towards my Mother Earth, my body and all other living beings. It is not always possible, but I try as much as I can.” - Alessandra Bravo, co-founder of Lucuma Designs
"When I think of organic, what comes to mind is no Pesticides. It's noticeable in organic food that chemicals are missing." - Diane, Operations Manager
"By buying organic, we support farmers making the tough choices to protect their land and our water for the future with better farming practices now." - Don, co-founder of Lucuma Designs
"I'm proud to be part of a company who really makes such a conscious effort to treat the environment with such respect. It gives me hope that others will see this and join the party." -Sam, Copywriter and Content Coordinator