The Pizarro Family of Stone Carvers

The Pizarro Family of Stone Carvers

Don and Alessandra visited the Pizzaro family's stone carving workshop in Ayacucho, Peru in April right before Easter 2017. Benjamin and Bertina make all the normal alabaster nativities in our whol...
Celebrating my Mom and Hero on International Women’s Day

Celebrating my Mom and Hero on International Women’s Day

Reflecting on the contribution of women leadership in our world, my hero while growing up and best model of a strong, independent and super confident woman is definitely Paola Gattinoni, my mom.
Fair Trade Chocolate

Fair Trade Chocolate

Valentine's Day is almost here. Have you ever wondered if your chocolate is ethically sourced?
Boruca Mask Show

Boruca Mask Show

Lucuma has developed a new relationship with a group of top artists from the Boruca tribe of Costa Rica. Their vibrant balsa wood sculptures blend ancestral traditions and ecological sensibility w...
4 Tips to Brighten your Shop this Winter

4 Tips to Brighten your Shop this Winter

The holidays have passed and ice storms are in the forecast. How can you get people into your store? At Lucuma Designs, we suggest making your store a haven for beauty amidst winter’s dim light. Th...
Fair Trade Helps Make a Merrier Christmas

Fair Trade Helps Make a Merrier Christmas

Every year since 2007, the gourd artists from Cochas, Huancayo, host a community Christmas celebration, bringing joy to the local children.
Meet Pablo Hurtado

Meet Pablo Hurtado

Pablo Hurtado, one of our gourd artists, learned the art of gourd carving at a young age from his parents.